The objective of these questions is to give you an overview of some of the questions you can expect during your interview and to help you prepare and get into the right frame of mind.
Here's the commonly asked questions that you must answer correctly to set yourself apart:
Common interview questions
- Tell me about yourself?
- What are your greatest weakness?
- Why did you quit your last job?
- What experience do you have in teaching field?
- What have you done to improve your teaching knowledge in the last year?
- Tell me about a suggestion you have made in teaching field?
- Why do you think you would do well at this teaching job?
Common internship interview questions
- What are your career goals?
- Why do you want to intern here?
- Why are you interested in this internship?
- What do you know about the company ?
- How do you see yourself in the future?
- What are your salary expectations?
- Why are you interested in this industry/company?
- How will this intern help you work towards these goals?
- What kind of tasks would you like to be involved with ?
- Tell me about some of your school involvements and how they relate to this job.
- How does this intern reflect your academic and career goals?
- How did you learn of this internship programme?
- What are your plans after graduation?
- Why should we hire you?
- Tell us about your knowledge of this company.
- How will you add value to our institution as an intern?
- What’s your goal with this internship?
- What is your long term goal in the industry?
- If you commit to this internship, what does that mean to you ?
- What do you expect this position to be like?
- What are some things you would like to avoid in a job? Why?
Cost accounting interview questions
- What is the difference between Expenses & Expenditure?
- Tell us about your experience in cost accounting?
- Describe some of the methods used to allocate support costs?
- What is charge back?
- What is the purpose of charge back?
- Have you implemented or administered a charge back system?
- Name some components of an effective charge back system?
- What are fixed costs?
- What are variable costs?
- What is marginal cost?
- Tell me the information about cost sheets?
- how to make a table for to calculate the prime cost, factory cost, total cost of production and cost of sales?
- What is meant by cost accounting?
- why is interest on loan not included in cost sheet?
- what does the name costing mean and what are the importance of costing?
- What is BEP? BEP-Break Event Point. It indicates no Loss and no Profit?
- Tell us about your experience in cost accounting?
- Describe some of the methods used to allocate support costs?
- What is charge back?
- What are fixed costs?
- What is marginal cost?
- Explain fixed cost, variable cost and marginal cost?
- What is Break Even Point? What does it signify?
- What is the purpose of charge back?
- What is MIS report and do you prepare it?
- How to do each task?
- What are outputs of this position and of each task?
- How to appraise performance of each task?
- What are knowledge, skills, experience, abilities needed for each task?
Accounts payable interview questions
- What do you mean by price variation in Purchase Invoice?
- How to account freight cost, handling charges, purchase tax at the time of raising a Purchase Order?
- What is a Non-PO Invoice?
- What is a tolerance limit with respect to invoice processing?
- What is debit and credit from the banks point of view?
- In the invoice, the value of the tax code is not present but in the idoc the value of the tax code is present. How to populate it in the invoice using the IDOC?
- Please explain end to end process of accounts payable?
- What is a Work flow? And take Retail shop as example and explain the Work flow of the Retail shop?
- What is the difference between Payments-Liquidation(Disbursements) & Dividend Warrants Liquidation?
- What are the steps involved in finalization?
- When setting up Purchase items for overhead expenses (G&A expenses) what expense GL account do you use, and what sales account GL do you use? Also, what are roll up accounts in the chart of accounts?
- What is the Debit Balance recovery? How we can recover if we wont have any future transactions from supplier?
- Which area of accounting are you strongest? Which area of accounting would you like to improve?
- What is the meaning of TDS? How it is charged?
- What is interest on Capital?
Accounts receivable interview questions
- Why do you want to work as an accountant?
- Why you chose your A Levels for Accounting?
- What are the qualities that make for a good accountant?
- Detail your responsibilities in accounts receivable?
- What are the most important goals of accounts receivable?
- What software applications have you used for accounts receivable?
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different accounting packages/systems you have used recently in your accountant jobs?
- Give me examples of the accounting reports you have prepared?
- Why is Capital amount put in Liabilities and not in Assets?
- What is the difference between back end collections and front end collections?
- What are examples of deferred revenue expenditure?
- What is effective collection?
- What is the table that is used for aging bucket report, what is the main purpose of this report?
- What is the Auto Invoice? What are the setup Steps for Auto Invoice?
- Tell me about your previous work experience as accounting clerk.
- What were your primary responsibilities?
- How many people did you support?
- What were the most challenging aspects of your work?
- What type of software programs are you familiar with using?
- How did you maintain confidentiality when managing information?
If you need more Interview questions and answers for entry accounting internship interview questions, please leave comments.
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